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Friday, June 6, 2008

Classical Conversations - History Lessons - Cycle 3

If you have come to this page looking for the History lesson plans for Classical Conversations cycle 3, you've come to the right place!  Sadly, the file is no longer here.  Previously, I had only posted the first semester and have since lost the file in a computer crash.  But a re-working was in order anyway!

I hope to have the file updated and ready for anyone interested before too long.  Previously, I'd included reading suggestions for each week.   I won't be including that this time as CC has a GREAT suggested reading list.  I highly recommend you review that (most of my suggestions were from that list anyway).

So, check back or subscribe!  I'll update this page and probably post a new page, too.


Anonymous said...

Hey Gal! I LOVE this. Thanks for getting all the ideas together. I've done the booklist, but that's as far as I've gotten. Can you email it to me? I can't seem to save the download. See you on Wednesday. Kate Mc

Kerry said...

Darn, you can't down load it? I'll see if I can fix that. In the meantime, yes, I'll email it to you!

Anyone else who had trouble downloading, I'm happy to email it to you also. Leave me a comment with your email.

Tracey Carrin said...

Fantastic! Thank you so very much. I'm in the process of trying to decide whether or not to do CC. I recently took a practicum with Leigh Bortins, and it was amazin! Before I took the practicum I had almost decided to do TOG. Then, confusion set in! I've just had so many good ideas, I'm not sure what to do! This plan puts things more into focus for me. I know some people do TOG separately, without correlating the history, but it seems that if I correlate them, it will provide better accountability! I need that.

Do you have the class TOG or redesign?

I haven't thoroughly searced your site yet, so you may have already posted it...I would love to have the second semester too!!
Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for doing this work, I am starting CC this fall and becoming a Tutor all at once (thinking about using TOG), so this is really a helpful bit of work. Thanks for the time you have put into it. Visit me sometime.

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

I love that you are helping other moms! Thank you for posting your work and sharing it.

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

Could you please email me a copy? Thanks!

fosterheartsathome said...

You Rock...this is what I was just getting ready to sit down and work out. Thanks so much for your help.
I would love a copy.

vovbelle said...

thank you sooooo much! i am starting cc this fall at home and as a tutor and this is amazing! please do all of the weeks!
could you e-mail me a copy?

Unknown said...

This is great! Thanks! I purchased my TOG resources and now am working on getting it all combined with CC. Just so I don't reinvent the wheel, are you planning on doing the same thing for CC semester 2? Again, thank you!
Liz Griffin

Kerry said...

Liz - yes, I am planning on doing Semester 2...I just have some other projects to finish before I get to that. If you subscribe to the blog, you'll know when I finish that!

Ladies who have requested an email copy, please try downloading it first...if that doesn't work email me!

SebbieDue said...

New to CC and this blog post came up in a google search. i was looking for just this type of thing, so I've downloaded your schedule. Thanks for all the work you've done. I would also be interested in future plans if you would be so generous.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. I am new to CC this year and I will really benefit from your outline. Thank you mostly for your willingness to share with others. God loves it when we invest in His people. Thanks again, SL

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. I am starting CC this fall. Your information is very helpful!

ennistbp said...

Thank you. In the past, my children have become familiar with names and places but could not really tell me anything about them. Your main teaching points are very helpful for teaching and review. (We use CC but not TOG)

Unknown said...

Hello, I found this while searching for CC topics and wow! I don't use TOG but this will still be extremely helpful! Thank you and bless you for sharing!
To God be the glory,

ennistbp said...

Do you have the science memory work lessons ready yet? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the history lessons.
We're doing CC for the first time this year.

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

hi Carrie - Would you mind if I posted this on my CC groups blog with all credit directed to you? Most of them don't use the web...sigh...and I have to beg them to come get this stuff. If I only put a link...I know they won't follow it.
Let me know

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is so exciting! I forwarded your blog to my Tulsa CC community! Thanks so much for sharing your hard work!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic! Thank you for all your hard work! Are the book selections from TOG? We're using CC this year, and the one thing that I don't like is that we learn the facts, but we don't learn about them. I'm sure that comes later, but I still want her to learn some of it now. Do you know if there are resources that can be used for the English Grammar sentences too?

Kristina said...

I've just jumped into HS and CC this year. I 've been floundering a bit as to how to flush out the CC curriculum until I found your plan! Thank you so much. The reading list has been super helpful! I hope you do one for next semester!!

Unknown said...

Hey Kerry!

I tried to get the Classical Conversations lesson plan download, but I wasn't able to get it. Could you e-mail me an attachment? Sorry to bother you - sounds great!

Thanks, Janet M.

Kerry said...

Hi, Janet! Can you email me with your email? I need that to send you an invitation to the document (and I'll paste document into the invitation email). Thanks, Janet!

Unknown said...

Hi Kerry!

I was searching the web trying to find tips on how to combine Classical Conversations and Tapestry of Grace. I saw that you did that for cycle 3. Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow that you did it and wow that you shared all of your hard work. I can't thank you enough for that. Is this your first year at doing it, or have you by chance done it for cycles 1 and 2? I would love to see what you've done with those cycles if you have done them. If you haven't done them, could you advise me on how to do them? I don't think I know my history well enough to match the reading list from TOG to the CC history sentences. Ahhh! Help! Besides all of that, what was your general opinion on putting TOG and CC together?

Thank you sooooooooo much for your hard work!


Unknown said...

Kerry, you are an angel. As I was thinking about starting CC this year for our 4 children, I was heartbroken to think I may have to stop with Tapestry of Grace, which we had just started and really like. Then I had a friend to say that she came upon a link that showed where someone had combined TOG with CC. She found it again and passed it on to me. I've not even looked at what you have done but can't wait to dive in here. I don't think I know enough history to be able to match the TOG with the history sentences for CC. But Hallelujah I am glad that someone is on point and can do it AND is willing to share. Yay!!! I will keep you informed with how it goes. TOG is new CC is new to us, but we are diving in and getting "really wet." No holds bar.


Kerry said...

Hi, Angela! I'm so glad this will be a help to you and that you were able to find me! Tell your friend "thanks" for passing you on to my website. And thank YOU for your kind comments.

I do hope to have the CC Cycle 1 History lessons ready to publish in May. Check back or subscribe so you won't miss that! :)

Blessings to you on this Holy Saturday evening!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kerry
We just finished Cycle 3 and today I found out about your site. I downloaded your History, Science and Geography lessons. I hope I didn't miss anything. I plan to use them in the future. Thank you so much. Do you have plans for Cycle 1?? I'll be watching. Thanks so much, from another Kerry

shua said...

Hi Kerry! Thank you so much for this huge help! I'm not able to download the file on Google Documents though. Would you mind emailing me a copy of the history lessons? Thank you sooo much.

ginger said...

Wow! You are one of those moms I wish I could be like! What a fabulous website and I will definetly be stopping by regularly. Thanks for sharing this history plan... will you email it to me?
Thanks a bunch and God bless!

Kim said...

I couldn't download the file. Can you e-mail it to me? Thanks. I really enjoy your site.

Susan said...

Hi! I have enjoyed your site so much! Thanks for your hard work and help. Please e-mail me the CC lesson plan files. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I can't get it to download. Is it still possible to get a copy in e-mail? Your generosity in sharing this schedule is blessing many moms. Thank you so much!

jj said...

Thank you for your hard work and willingness to share combining TOG and CC cycle 3 together! Will you please email me the document you created? I am having trouble downloading it. Praising God for your organizational skills!
Thank you,

Alane @RaH said...

My boys and I just attended a CC open house last week or so. Because of our commitment to our TOG history group, we just cannot participate next year, but we want to bring in some CC ideas for our grammar students. We'll be using TOG year 3 next year, and I think CC3 will work well -- I'd love a copy of your guide, if you still have it. Blessings,

Tiffanie Hage said...

I too would LOVE to see your document. We are joining CC cycle 3 next semester and I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do! Thank you soooo much!

Susan said...

Just wondering if you created something to coordinate TOG and CC cycle 3? I know this is an old blog entry so if it's not available, no worries. We are joining cc this year and I am leaning towards TOG instead of SOTW. Thanks.

Saralyn McDonnell said...

Hi! Just came across your blog while searching for ideas to combine CC Cycle 3 and TOG--wow! Could you email me your Cycle 3 list? Thanks so much!