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Friday, August 10, 2007

Up the Hill Gang: Friday Link Love

Up the Hill Gang: Friday Link Love

Ok, this is only a week old, sorry. I am feeling better - slowly, but surely. You all watch out for this nasty virus! It is a doozy. If you hear anyone complaining of a sore throat - stay AWAY! :)

Anyway - Jenny posted the sweetest, dearest post about my little blog. Please go by and check out her blog, too. She and I have a friend in common - a non-blogger, IRL friend! Disney was's a small, small world...and getting even smaller.


Sonya said...

Since Jenny and I are RL friends, maybe the three of us have that same friend in common! LOL! I've already emailed her to ask who it is. Small world!

Jenny said...

Ohhhh how sweet of you to link love me back!! We've bonded! lol!! Now, if we could just get Mary to blog....I don't see it happening though! lol!

and yes...Sonya knows Mary too! lol!