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Monday, November 19, 2007

Beauty of Adoption

I have the distinct honor of being an "Auntie" to a friend's adopted daughter. I traveled with my friend to China this spring to bring her new daughter home. Seeing "YuYu" meet her mom for the first time and watching her "unfold" during our two weeks in China was an amazing experience. Having the opportunity to experience her bonding with her family has shown me the beauty of adoption.

YuYu is a delightful addition to their family - and truly their family would not be complete without her!

We may not all be called to adopt, but, as Christians, we are all called to defend and care for the fatherless, the orphan. That defense and care can take many forms - time spent volunteering in an orphanage or with foster children, donations of money or gifts to organizations that aid orphans, prayer on behalf of orphans, etc. However the Lord calls you to act, do not neglect the orphan!

This month is National Adoption Month. There are many organizations highlighting this topic, but here are a few I've come across recently:

From Family Life Today- an audio series on adoption and our Christian duty to the orphan:
Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5

From MotherReader a review of a book reflecting the diversity of adoption today.

An excellent prayer calendar, updated monthly, for praying over orphans.

Heveanly Father, Defender of the orphan, rise up and secure justice for the oppressed. Move in your people to embrace Your justice and pursue it for Your children. (from Shaohanna's Hope prayer calendar)


Spinneretta said...

How wonderful for you :) That must have been so special. I am sending a friend of mine who adopted this year also, the link to this ;)


oh, and P.S. I also linked your first thanksgiving for some AND I wondered if you had heard the President is at Berkeley today... and there is a petition to pardon a pig instead of a turkey!