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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nativity Carnival?

Any bloggers out there interested in a Nativity Season carnival?  I'm thinking: Advent, Christmas and Epiphany.  We've done the Advent Carnival in the past and it was a big success, but I'd love to expand it a bit.  However, I know I won't have time to collect and post links during the holidays. Maybe a weekly "Mr Linkie" (where you add your links yourself) from Nov 20th (the week before Advent starts) until Jan 6th?

If you would be interested in contributing a link, would you leave a comment?  You are welcome to spread the word on your blog, too, in fact I'd be thankful if you would!  If there is enough interest, we're ON!


Anonymous said...

I'm in.

Jessica Snell said...

I'm in!

Kerry said...

This is looking promising!

mamatigerj said...


Amy said...

I'll do my best to participate.

Kerry said...

Ok - I think we are ON! I've got my church's women's retreat next weekend (I'm coordinating - lots of last minute details), but after than I'll post some details!