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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Latin for mommies

**Long breath out**

I've just finished my homework for my first class of Latin (and emailed it off to my instructor for grading - yikes). This is sort of a "crash course" for homeschool moms (most of whom are getting ready to teach latin). Some of the ladies in our class have studied Latin before (lucky devils) the rest of us are first-timers.

While I knew it would be hard work, I am pleasantly surprised to find it is actually...dare I say it... FUN! Here are some of my favorite sentences from this week:

Agri belli agricolam satiant.
Agricola magnus pecuniam multam habet.
Viri Romani sapientiam habent.

Anyone want to take a shot at those? :)

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Anonymous said...

Good for you! Where are you taking this class? Is it an online class, or a class being offered in your area? I'm intrigued.

And no, I don't want to take a shot at those sentences. "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth [or keyboard] and remove all doubt." (Hmm, I'd hate to apply that to my blog.) ;)

Ranee @ Arabian Knits said...

The only one I think I can get off the top of my head is the last one. The strength of Rome is in her men. Is that right?

Kerry said...

Well, Ranee, yours is much more philosophical and lovely than the real translation. This is beginning Latin, so the sentences are pretty basic.

Viri Romani sapientiam habent. literally translated (word for word is: Roman men wisdom have, or as we'd say, Roman men have wisdom.

Good guess, though! The "viri" means men or heroes, but it is the base for our word "virility".

Have you taken any Latin?

Kerry said...


A "veteran" homeshcool mom is giving us a "crash course" in Wheelock's. My brain is spinning, but I really am enjoying it. I'm finding that I have an easier time translating from Latin to English rather than the other way around. (probably because I get the base word and the rest is figuring out what makes the most sense in the sentence).

Aubrey said...

My latin is quite rusty - I studied it in 8th and ninth grades. Let's see -
The beautiful farm satisfies the farmer.

The great farmer has much money.

The roman men have wisdom. (Which surprisingly I had right even before I saw your translation.)

I wish I could remember my latin teacher's name - she was excellent. And it's great you're teaching your kids latin. After studying latin, I went on to study Spanish (I'm now about to speak to all my hispanic patients without problems), German (which mostly I've forgotten), and Greek, and they were all such a breeze after latin. Plus latin has been my friend during medical school, too. So keep up the good work!