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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Peter Piper's Picks: April 4th

Welcome back to Peter Piper's Picks! Here's what I've been reading recently:

Cindy at Dominion Family took a blogging break last year, but a few months ago she began blogging again...and I'm so glad! She always has great insights. Last week, she shared her thoughts about online friendships - how real are they?

Now that it is spring, do you know what season it is for homeschoolers? CONVENTION season! Our statewide support group (NCHE) convention in NC is in late May. When is yours? Need some advice on getting ready to tackle it? Check out Deanne at Lifestyle of Discipleship's timely article.

A quick "shout out" to a somewhat new (at least to me) Anglican family-type blogger. I've visited her blog before, but have now added her to my GoogleReader...and my blog list. Amy at Splendor in the Ordinary...go say "HELLO!"

I'm really not trying to grind an axe here or make this my new soapbox, but this did catch my attention. First Things takes on the "Contraception Compromise".

Have you ever thought about setting up a "prayer closet", but found it difficult (or impossible) to sacrifice a closet? I have! Jen at Conversion Diary has asked for advice for this situation and has some great responses in her comments section.

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Amy said...

Thanks so much for the link, Kerri! I enjoy reading your blog so much. Glad to be apart of the conversation of other Anglican families. Hope you have blessed Easter!