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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Purchasing a Peck of Peaches - Pie recipe

It all started with a funny toungue twister.

On the way to the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning I devised a funny little tongue twister: "Purchasing a Peck of Peaches" as that was my main goal for that market day. Last week the peach guys hadn't made it to market and I was afraid I'd have missed my peach window for the season. But thankfully, there they stood: two smartly dressed South Carolina gentlemen in their sherbet-colored polo shirts and crisp khaki shorts surrounded by a mass of peaches.

Despite being severly coffee-deprived, I managed to greet the peach purveyors with,"I'm here to purchase a peck of peaches!" Delivered with precise enunciation, my tongue twister made them both laugh heartily. In fact, they enjoyed it so much they asked me to repeat it and gave me a few extra peaches in my peck.

The peaches are delightful - like juicy sunshine. But they sure do go over to the "bad side" quickly. Hubby loves I made a pie with a heap of them, and froze the rest. Here's a photo of the pie with "Dad" spelled out in excess pie crust dough.

The recipe is straight out of Joy of Cooking, with the minor addition of a 1/4 tsp of ginger. Oh, it is so good.

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HomeGrownMommy said...

My mouth is watering just looking at that beautiful pie!! How sweet to put Dad on it - so thoughtful! I wonder if I can still get a hold of some peaches!