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Monday, February 28, 2011

Daybook - February 28th

Eve of St. David's Feast

outside my window . . . 60degrees already and it is not quite 8am!  What a strange warm way to end February.

I am listening to . . . NPR - Groupon is moving into China, the world's largest internet market.

I am wearing . . .  something that I think is much too warm for the day's weather.

I am so grateful for . . . my mom making it through surgery safely.

I am thinking . . . about blog names for my kids.  I get so tired of "Middle son", etc.  Just lacks personality!

around the house . . . making laundry soap today.  It helps to have laundry soap when you have the entire household's wardrobes to wash.    

real education in our home . . . We finally finished Adam and His Kin and now begin a trilogy of Gilgamesh picture books.  

rhythm and beauty in our home . . . made a simple dining room centerpiece from pale green candles set in various sizes of glass jars.  The whole thing cost me less than $30.  

the church year in our home . . . have just about finalized our Lent meals

one of my favorite things . . . two old typesetter drawers that we hang on the wall and fill with little bits of nature we find.

recent milestones . . .  Toddler L has really made some huge leaps in the vocabulary department.  She is doing much better at imitating the words we ask her to say.  

the week ahead. . . 
:-: Monday bible study this afternoon
:-: Tuesday is St. David's day - forgot to get my daffodils planted in order to force them.  Need to plan a small celebration.
:-: Wednesday - a possible trip to a local skate park.
:-: Thursday - couples' book study: And Then I Had Teenagers (great book!)
:-: Saturday - youth event and a birthday party for one of little E's best friends.

picture thoughts . . .

This is from my school table - truly this is exactly how it looked last week.



Kerry said...

The notebook is my middle son's assignment book. I'm trying to teach him to use this, but it is slow going. :)