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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Classical Conversations Cycle 1 History Resource

Hi, friends! Well, I do not know how I finished this this week (baptism, celebration picnic, first birthday, visit from my mom, and first day of CC), but I did! As of now, this is only the first semester. When I finish the second semester, I'll update the file (and post a notice here).

CC Cycle 1 History: Discussion questions, Teaching Points, and Activities. (This is a Google Document. You should be able to download directly from that link to your computer. ) Let me know if you download the file, and if you find this helpful!

The Discussion Questions were designed to be somewhat open-ended and spark a bit of discussion in your home. I hope you enjoy them! If you have any suggestions for other questions or activities, please email me or leave a comment.

The Teaching Points are culled almost entirely from World Encyclopedia.

And the Activities are merely suggestions for ways to expand your students' interaction with the history material. Choose those that sound interesting, but don't try to do them all! I don't even do an activity every week!


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Daisy Duke said...

I downloaded you Cycle 1 file. Do you have any kids in Chal A? I'd love to hear how that is going.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for adding to this document. I came here to ask if you had any more depth to your first set of ideas; instead of asking I am thanking you for them!
Thank you!!

Maggie said...

This is our first year of CC and we LOVE it! Thanks for sharing this. I would love to have something like this for next semester. Thank you!!

Jody said...

This document was EXTREMELY helpful... thank you for sharing it! Do you have a similar one for the other two cycles? Would you mind emailing them to me if you do?
Thank you!
Jody Scott