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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Produce Delivery Day and Weekly Menu

Someone recently told me they've really been enjoying the recipes and menu plans I've posted with my produce delivery, so I'm going to try to make that a regular "feature".

For those who may be stopping by for the first time, my family receives a weekly delivery of local, organic produce - similar to a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). We began doing this as a way to support local farmers; get fresher, organic food; and to do a small part to reduce our reliance on "big agriculture" and long-distance shipped food.

So, this week we received lovely zucchini, broccoli, carrots, apples, tangerines (not so local), and mushrooms:

Here are the recipes I plan on using (see following posts for the individual recipes):

Zucchini Garden Chowder

served with lots of warm, buttery corn bread

Summer Squash Bake

served with a fruit salad and rosemary bread

Baked Maple Barbeque Chicken

served with a side of steamed broccoli and rosemary bread

All these recipes come from a great little seasonal cookbook from the Mennonite community:

I'll still have lots of carrots to use. Some will get cut into "matchsticks" for the kids to snack on and if I get really energetic, I just might make hubby a homemade carrot cake!

Anyone have any ideas on a frosting to use on carrot cake other than the usual cream cheese frosting? Hubby is watching his cholesterol.

Also: Go visit my friend "Two Square Meals" - she's also cooking locally!


Amy said...

I LOVE your recipes! Keep them coming!!

Kerry said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying them, Amy!

DebD said...

what great recipes! I have several blogging friends who are part of a CSA, it sounds very interesting.

Anonymous said...

We just sprinkle it with powdered sugar for those who can't tolerate the cream cheese. =)

Kerry said...

Annie - that sounds like a great idea! Thank you for sharing that!

Maggie M. said...

I'm a big fan of tofutti's fake cream cheese; I don't know how it would do in a frosting. The summer squash bake sounds really yummy.