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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Creepies, Crawlies, and Critters, OH MY!

Oh, what a weekend we fact I'm just getting back to normal, I think. (Yes, it is Wednesday!)

We discovered on Friday night, very late, that our son brought home lice from Sweden. Lovely Swedish lice! I went out and purchased the RID kit, but it was so late we decided to start the whole process in the morning. It was hard to send him to bed like that, but once you start the process, you gotta do the whole thing! I knew we'd have to treat the whole family since we've shared beds and pillows.

After one last outing to the farmer's market, I came home and began the de-lousing.

We stripped all the beds and recently worn clothes. (Lice can only live a day off the human body, so it really only had to be those things we'd worn recently.) Began washing all that - I think it's been 12 loads or more. (We are still washing! We put the "dirty" laundry in large plastic trash bags instead of laundry baskets to keep any live lice contained.)

We also had to gather up all the bed pillows, throw pillows and stuffed animals to store in sealed trash bags for 2 weeks to kill off any lice and eggs. (Which meant that new pillows had to be purchased for us to sleep on during that time.)

Finally, I began the shampooing and goopy comb-through stuff. It took me over 6 hours to get through the 3 kids' heads. Then hubby and I did each other's heads - we were up until 2AM!

Now, for the next couple of days I have to continue to check for nits. That takes about an hour per you can see what a process this is. :)

Hubbie and I looked at each other at the end of Sunday and commented that it was a totally lost weekend. Luckily, Hubbie had this week off, as did the kids from CC, so we've made up for lost weekend time!!

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Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

found you through Leigh's blog...swedish lice...oh my is right? Well, can you count it as geography, home-ec, and science for the week? :)