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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Peter Piper's Picks: Aug 15th

St. Mary the Virgin
Dormition of the Theotokos
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

So, did you hear that John Hughes died this week? Well, of course, you did. It is old news by now. Which of his movies was your favorite? Ferris Bueller? Pretty in Pink? Sixteen Candles? I enjoyed this article from Christianity Today looking at his movies and their meaning and effect on those of us who found his movies to be almost a rite of passage.

My friend, Cindy of Dominion Family has been at a CiRCE Institute Teacher Apprenticeship Retreat all week. She's had some tantalizing posts at her blog and on Twitter. I can't wait to read more about her week as she has time to blog about it in the coming weeks. If you are interested in True Education (she has thrown out the term classical) don't miss her thoughts!

The Internet Monk has just started an interesting series (he says "brief", but has over 20 post topics planned!) on Evangelical Liturgy. As an Anglican, and a lover of high church liturgy, but appreciative of low church mentality, this should be an interesting series to me! iMonk is Quite Protestant and I don't agree with all of his thoughts (to start with he objects to calling the table the Altar and instead suggests the Table for the Lord's Supper), but his purpose is to get Evangelicals thinking about what parts of the ancient church tradition they might return to their worship. If you've got time, I highly recommend his podcasts - always thoughtful and amusing!

My "back to school" memories are probably a bit different than most. They consist of helping my mom, a 4th grade teacher, get her room all ready for her new class. (Hi, Mom - she reads my blog sometimes.) I loved going to help Mom hang bulletin boards and arrange chairs. One thing I miss in homeschooling is getting to make bulletin boards! But, besides these being fun, they can also be a great way to get kids familiar with bits of information. The Heart of the Matter has a suggestion that might be a nice compromise for homeschoolers: mini-offices made with manilla file folders. The mini-folders can be like "bulletin boards" for your kids with all sorts of tidbits: math facts, state capitals, vocabulary or spelling, etc. They'd be great for all sorts of memory work! These look like so much fun, I really think I'm going to give them a go.

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Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

I've just browsed months of archives...had lost your link for awhile. :) We're getting started with CC and wanted to see some of your old planners.

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

I didn't know if you checked old comments, so I thought I would leave this here. I am beginning TOG this year with my CC. Quite the change after 13 years of home schooling but am really excited. I would love to get your teaching tips to see how you lay it out. Wrapping my lessons around TOG/CC has been huge and I am still not quite ready. I direct a CC group, am the NC tutor trainer and am tutoring Essentials, so love, love, love the Classical Model, but would love, love, love to see how you've been inter lapping those. :)My home school CC blog will be kicking off again and I will make sure and link to your plans. thanks