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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Peter Piper's Picks: August 8th

Feast of St. Dominic

The World's 10 Oldest Cities. Really fascinating and beautiful photographs!

A friend on a HS loop passed this along: Songs for Teaching. They've got songs all across the disciplines.

An 18-Minute Plan for managing your day. Ok, this is silly but this has revolutionized my day. Really. I tend to put way Too Many Things on my "to do list". Having to actually put them on my schedule (rather just on the list "to do") has made me aware of what I can and can't accomplish on a given day. It is much more satisfying to accomplish 3 planned tasks (besides baby care and homeschooling and keeping 4 kids from goofing off or grouching at each other) than have a list of 10 things with only a few of them crossed off. This guy has a few other ideas that might resonate with you day-managing weaknesses.

The Cates have managed the Carnival of Homeschooling for a Long time. They also are great about linking to other homeschool carnivals. Here's their most recent list of other homeschool carnivals. It is always fun to peruse for useful ideas and tips.

And now, possibly the most well-known Anglican couple in the blog world have gone PUBLIC as . . . Home Schoolers.

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