Feast of St. Margaret of Scotland
outside my window . . .
orange leaves set against a really blue, Carolina blue, sky
in the kitchen . . .
oatmeal with brown sugar for breakfast and making a batch of broth today for soup later this week.
around the house . . .
it's laundry day again! Also, time for some deep cleaning before Thanksgiving.
from our studies . . .
learning about the Byzantine Empire this week in history and the parts of a flower in science.
thinking about . . .
the changes to the blog I've made so far (contemplating returning to a two-column spread and putting the background image on one side only (just the scholar). If you have an opinion, leave a comment!
listening to. . .
a bird chirping away outside and the baby playing quietly in her crib.
thankful for. . .
our friend Susan who sent Saturday night's leftovers home with us. We had a delicious soup and bread meal last night and custard apple pie for a few days!
pondering the words . . .
"Orthodoxy has maintained the New Testament tradition, whereas Rome has often added to it and Protestantism subtracted from it." from an Orthodox church leaflet.
reading . . .
Just started a children's version of Canterbury Tales. The kids are really enjoying it! I picked this up on a whim at one of the homeschool book sales this summer (from one of those "old book" vendors).
creating . . .
about to pick up my crochet needle (hook?) and whip out another couple hats. (I need to post the photos of the girls' hats!)
to foster rhythm, reverence, and time...
I hope to get the whole family inspired for preparing the house for Thanksgiving.
Some new fall smelling candles, polishing some silver, freshening the table linens, preparing guest rooms (and children's rooms to be used as guest rooms), preparing meal plans and make some food ahead of time, pulling out a family puzzle to work on, and perhaps a book to read as a family over Thanksgiving week.
one of my favorite things . . .
a new memory work "bulletin board" I made this week. I'll post about this later this week!
milestones in the past week . . .
Baby L has been using a few new signs lately: eat, milk and she's started saying "Kitty". (She's said it once before, but then hasn't for a couple of months. )
a few plans for the upcoming week . . .
Art today,
our last Classical Conversations meeting for the year on Wed,
the last Drama class (and skits presented to family) on Thurs,
boys going to the Car Show on Fri,
and the last "regular season" Farmer's Market on Saturday.
a picture thought I'm sharing . . .

Middle Daughter exploring St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church
during their Open House.
Baby L look so precious. May the Lord bless her.
I'd like to know what parts the Protestants are leaving out...Maybe whoever wrote that is thinking of particular Protestant denominations? A very thought provoking statement, to be sure.
Love the new layout and colors!
I love the new layout, so whatever you want to change I'm sure will look wonderful!
That is a thought provoking statement... perhaps it will cause some to look further into church history. ;)
Amy - THANKS! I'm still working on some details, as you'll notice. :)
DebD - yes, quite thought-provoking! I'm thinking of starting a reading program of the church fathers. Any starting point suggestions?
Have you read any of Chris Hall's books? He attends Good Sam with us and is a fellow prof at Eastern with RJ. I'd like to read his books this Christmas break:
Theology with the early church fathers, worship with the early church fathers, and Reading Scripture with the early Church fathers.
Thanks for the suggestions, Amy!
As a fellow CC'er, I am very eager to see your Memory Work bulletin board. By the way, I love your blog. It's the only one I read, and I have gleaned so much. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
I like the background on your blog better than any I've seen. The picture you shared is so cute. You have an interesting life. Doylene
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