Daybook for November 9th, 2009
outside my window . . .
low early morning light, crisp air, a slightly veiled blue sky. Rain today, maybe?
in the kitchen . . .
Roasting a chicken today with a good pot of soup to follow tomorrow. Hopefully a batch of freshly baked bread (don't be overly impressed any homemade bread is from my bread maker and you know how easy that is).
around the house . . .
with my dear husband's help we managed to tame a snarling pile of laundry last week. But now comes the hard part: putting it away. It is my weakness.
on my iPod . . .
Four more CiRCE talks:
Leah Lutz - Integration, Imitation, Contemplation: The Natural Order of the Curriculum
Debbie Harris - Nature's Five Great Truths: God's Revelation Through Nature as a Tool in the Classroom
Andrew Kern - The Canons of Rhetoric: The Deep Logic of the Language Arts
and the first of the colloquies- John Hodges, on a CS Lewis quote: "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probably explanation is that I was made for another world.
don't miss the chance to hear some other great CiRCE Conference talks yourself!
from our studies . . .
Reading about Japanese history the next couple days. From the Baldwin Project: Child's Life in Japan and Japan: Peeps at History (selections from this). Also some Japanese fairy and folk tales.
thinking about . . .
Thanksgiving just around the corner, then Advent and Christmas, but wondering WHY in the WORLD my local Christian radio station is already playing Christmas music. Don't they understand that they are just playing into the commercialization? Why not choose to stand counter to the culture? Oh, yea, they don't want to loose those listeners to the secular stations that are starting their holiday push. *sigh*
listening to. . .
Baby peeping. Cat's bell tinkling as she sneaks up the stairs. Middle daughter busily, and almost silently, crafting some new creation of paper and tape.
thankful for. . .
my kids starting to get better after a sick week...and my inner ear clearing up a bit. Unfortunately, poor hubby is now coming down with the funk.
pondering the words . . .
"What Aristotle meant, at least in part, was that, since our nature desires knowledge, we derive pleasure simply from knowing. We do not need to apply it, make it “relevant,” or derive some practical application from our knowledge."
From Andrew Kern at Quiddity, the CiRCE blog.
reading . . .
Nothing new, same books as last week.
creating . . .
Just finished the girls' hats - so cute! I might have to make one for myself. I love having a crochet project going . . . gives me something to do with my hands when I'm relaxing.
one of my favorite things . . .
my big white robe. It is just the right weight for winter or summer. I think it needs a soak in some bleach, however, because it is looking a little less than "bright".
a few plans for the upcoming week . . .
The usual: Art, Classical Conversations, and Drama. A special anniversary for our family on Wedneday. Hubby has an annual board meeting with his ministry partners this weekend. Family friend, Uncle Peter, will be coming to stay for a night or two. Maybe a special playdate/sleepover for middle daughter.
a picture thought I'm sharing . . .

Mushrooms recently discovered on a nature walk.
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