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Monday, January 18, 2010

Daybook - Monday, January 18th

outside my window . . . puddles still on the ground here and there, but the sky is clear and just starting to turn golden around the edges (a nice evening is cooking up).

in the kitchen . . .  a couple batches of 5-Minute Artisan bread for sure.  Starting to think ahead to Lent and gathering recipes.  We are fasting as a family this year from meat and all animal-products (however, the kids will probably have some cheese and milk here and there).

around the house . . .  cleaning up from last night's "DaddyTime" (movies and camping out in the den).  Loads and Loads of laundry.  Does the stuff breed, or what?

on my iPod . . . loading it up with my favorite podcasts right now.  In particular, I'm looking forward to enjoying catching up on some archives of Frederica Matthewes-Green.

from our studies . . . Early explorers in Africa, geography of Egypt, creation of mountains and the world's highest mountains, Fra Angelico, Edvard Grieg (composer)

thinking about . . .  evangelism through living faith

listening to. . . hubby reading out the notes we've written on various saved corks.

thankful for. . . a good youth retreat weekend for my eldest son.

pondering the words . . . "Moreover, nothing in creation had erred from the path of God's purpose for it, save only man.  Sun, moon, heaven, stars, water, air, none of these had swerved from their order, but, knowing the Word as their Master and their King, remained as they were made."  St. Athanasius, from On the Incarnation

to foster rhythm and beauty . . . having celebrated the Baptism of Christ, it seems a nice time to set out the children's Baptismal candles.  I think this will be a yearly tradition. 

one of my favorite things . . .  rice pudding...I've got some cooking away in the crockpot right now.  I'm feeling a little puny, but I hope to enjoy a nibble on it tonight.

milestones in the past week . . . Baby L went into the nursery at church again this week and did really well!  

a few plans for the upcoming week . . . Somehow this week turned busy.  Tonight: an hour or so of training at the store.  Tuesday: middle son's best friend's birthday party (all the kids are invited).  Wednesday: CC and a playdate for middle daughter, also we are celebrating the anniversary of our adoption.  Thursday: getting tires changed in the am and middle daughter has a sleepover.  No idea for the weekend!

Enjoy more Daybooks at Peggy’s!


Sandy said...

"thinking about...evangelism through living faith"

I am coming to believe that there is no other evangelism. That what evangelicals call 'witnessing' looks and sounds to many people like one more sales pitch.

Kerry said...

Yeah, me too, Sandy.

I'm glad you caught my meaning there. But I'm not surprised. :)

Kathy said...

What a beautiful idea about the baptismal candles all together ;)

Have a blessed week - Kathy