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Monday, January 4, 2010

Daybook - Monday, January 4th

outside my window . . . chunks of ice are scattered about my back porch, a reminder of the boys' "ice-breaking" activities yesterday. It is quite frigid. The trees even look like they are hunching up their shoulders trying to stay warm.

in the kitchen . . . I've had a request for peanut butter cookies. I'm also making a totally un-traditional Kings' Cake this week: Orange cake with homemade chocolate frosting.

around the house . . . Christmas decorations are still up! I've just about had my fill, though. I'll be ready to pack them away this week.

from our studies . . . back to our studies! This week we move onto African history and geography, parts of the Earth (core, mantle, etc.), returning to Canterbury Tales and Wind in the Willows, and quite a few other books.

thinking about . . . what the next month or two are going to look like. Trusting the Lord to provide what we need in the areas of finances and schedule.

listening to. . . hubby preparing our morning coffee in our little Italian espresso maker. A rediscovered gem.

thankful for. . . a good, if short, night's sleep.

pondering the words . . . "The man who agrees with us that some question, little regarded by others, is of great importance can be our friend. He need not agree with us about the answer." CS Lewis, The Four Loves


to foster rhythm and beauty . . . this week I am re-instituting "Read or Rest" time. I've had a hard time scheduling it this fall due to changing baby nap schedules and my eldest boy's school work. But it is a necessary routine for all of us.

to live the liturgy . . . I have emptied out a number of tin cans, peeled the labels, filled with water and frozen them. We will make these into little lanterns to line our front walk for Epiphany.

to educate faithfully . . . a return to our regular schedule. I'm excited about our morning time, what I'm calling "Copia", meaning an abundance.


one of my favorite things . . . my new coffee cozy. My mother-in-law made the cutest little coffee pot warmer for me: a quilted cover for my french press. It does a fantastic job, too!

milestones in the past week . . . last night we had our first family meeting (beyond the normal gathering the kids to discuss something). We discussed the upcoming month, pros/cons of a move, each child's desires for the move, individual and family resolutions for the new year, and started our bible study on the Fruit of the Spirit.

a few plans for the upcoming week . . .
Today is the first day back to school after Christmas break.

Wednesday is Epiphany! CC starts back up, interview at a potential private high school for next year, church potluck and Epiphany service.

Somewhere in this week I've got to start one of the many projects for getting the house ready to sell, take down Christmas decorations, and get a couple of hours in at work.

a picture thought I'm sharing . . .

This is my cooking island while making pizza. I am taking notes from my reading while the dough cooks.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your daybook and the items you've added at the bottom. I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one who has the decorations still up.
Have a blessed week,
Mama Bear

Anonymous said...

Love the thankfulness for a goodnight's sleep! Ny little one still doesn't sleep through the night, but I'll enjoy her quiet nightly snuggles.

Have a great week,

DebD said...

this was a nice Daybook. Are you hoping to move far away from your current location?

MomCO3 said...

Ok, Kerry-- I need to know, why do you fill the tin cans with water to freeze? I tried to do them last year, and the cans dented when we tried to put nails through, so does the ice prevent this? Details please! =)

Kathy said...

I enjoyed your Daybook, and especially loved to hear that you still have Christmas decos out and about - I was beginning to feel I was the only straggler left! We like to keep our us at LEAST til 12th night... and have been known to keep them til spring, weather permitting ;)

Have a lovely week! Kathy

Kerry said...

MamaBear - thanks for stopping by!

Tamara - yes, my little dear is sleeping through, finally. She still wakes on occasion, but rarely.

Deb - no, we aren't planning a long-distance move, just a different place with more land. :)

MomCO3 - yes, the ice keeps the tin cans from denting in. We freeze them and then the kids pound in a design (outside, of course). Then just let them sit someplace warm enough to thaw. If it is above freezing outside is great, if not in your sink or tub will do.

Kathy - we try to keep ours up for the entire Christmas season, but then it is time for them to come down for Epiphany and then Lent.