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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Peter Piper's Picks: Jan 9th - Home Education

A new year causes me to start thinking about changes we need to make in our school.   How about you?

 Here are some links I'm contemplating:

:-: Teaching Reading with Bob Books - do you know about Bob Books? Simple little books that teach reading in small chunks for little kids. They can feel so accomplished so quickly! Brandy has a great website that offers lesson plans to coordinate with the Bob Books. Wonderful!

:-: Are learning styles really all that important? Researchers are now thinking, "No."

:-: Don't forgo Nature Studies (or even just enjoyment) in winter.  HarmonyArtMom has some great suggestions in her Squidoo lens: Winter Nature Walks

:-: CiRCE has announced this year's conference: A Contemplation of Liberty:   "... our United States are nowhere near as free as we have allowed ourselves to pretend. The reason we think we are still 'the leaders of the free world' is because we have tried valiantly to redefine freedom.  I also believe that we hold our remaining freedoms tenuously (and not tenaciously) for one simple reason: our rights are distributed at the will of the state. Consequently they can be removed by the will of the state."


Anonymous said...

New reader and commenter~

We used the Bob books with both of our kids (the youngest is almost 13yo). They really enjoyed them, and I thought they were clever~much better than most readers with controlled vocabularies.


Kerry said...

hi, womanofthehouse! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. If you have a blog, I'd love to come by and visit...can you leave a blog addy?

Woman of the House said...

Well, I just began a blog yesterday, if you can believe that! Here 'tis: You may recognize me from a certain classical education email loop we are both on. ;-)