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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Peter's Piper Picks - Aug 30th

Some people think images like these make us seem so small and life pointless, but as a Christian they lead me to marvel at the love of God to care about so small a creature. And if He, the God who created ALL this, cares about us, then our lives are anything but pointless....

Back in June I posted a link to a fun online software called "Wordle" which takes text and turns it into "word art". I jut thought it was fun and might be used to make fun cards or something, but over at Chartwell Academy they have taken excerpts from their literature lessons and used Wordle to make some wonderful "posters" for their homeschool classroom. What a great idea - go check it out!

Ever wonder about Kermit the Frogs abilities? Really, is he better at being green or playing the banjo? Here is a very humorous blog called "GraphJam" that will answer that question and many more. There lots of funny, funny, FUNNY graphs to peruse. I promise you'll laugh! Warning: there is some crass humor and bad language with some of the graphs. HT: The Evangelical Outpost

We all have bad days...and the saying goes it isn't what happens, it is how you respond that matters. Here are some suggestions to consider when you are having one of those days. Dig around the rest of the website, it looks interesting (Christian Personal Finance).

Ever need some inspiration for you or your kids? Try the Imagination Prompt Portal.

And this is absolutely ingenious - so smart, so awesome! Clean water pulled from a well by playing children. You must check this out!

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