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Friday, August 29, 2008

Weekly Reporter - Aug. 29th

I'm proud to day that we managed to get 4 days worth of school work (just the basics - math, phoncis, grammar, handwriting, literature, classics) done in 3 days. Why 3 days, well, we had company coming - and I'm no good at getting school done with company in the house.

This week we started reading our Classics rotations for my Grammar students with D'Aulaire's "Greek Myths". We also started "The Story of Dr. Doolittle". Math and phonics have been just chugging along.

I'm amazed at the change I've seen in my middle boy. He has been our late-bloomer as far as school goes. He's very smart and creative, but has found school work very frustrating. Often school with him takes all my energy and I'm left with little when it is time to teach the other two. However, we seem to have turned a corner! He seems to have made a HUGE leap forward over the summer. In the past, math facts have eluded him (he can add anything...but memorizing and quickly doing math based on memorized math facts frustrated him), but now he's zipping right through fact practice worksheets!

Hubby and I both agree that this is going to be an AMAZING year for him. He's still doing 2nd grade work in math and reading, but I have a feeling I'll be zipping through the work with him this year and we'll find him ready for 4th grade in no time.

I think our late-bloomer is about to become a ROSE!

Our eldest son will be back from his trip to Sweden on Monday evening. I'll try to post with pictures as soon as I can!

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